Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Field Hockey Game at Stadium Jalan Duta - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - January 23, 2011

What is a JPEG?

By Nathaniel Muhammad

A JPEG is mostly the opposite of a GIF. Being a much larger file, you can save a JPEG in Photoshop as a small, medium, or large file, depending on the amount of information it has and how big you want the file to be.

A JPEG is capable of millions of colors versus the 256 that a GIF offers. In addition, a JPEG boasts continuous tones and gradients of color, and it may be gradually displayed when downloaded. JPEGSs are by fat the most popular method of saving images on a digital camera.

The largest drawback of a JPEG is that every time you open and save one, it compresses the file. After numerous openings and closings, these files can become very grainy and not very useful. Having said that, don’t open and resave the file more times than absolutely necessary.

Thank you and happy shooting!

Framing Images: Placing the Main Subject Off-Center

By Nathaniel Muhammad

Placing the main subject off-center, closer to one side or the other, is usually, but not always, more effective than placing them in the dead center. A useful starting point is to place your main subject roughly a third of the way into the image.

Happy shooting!

Framing Images

By Nathaniel Muhammad

When photographing scenes with people it is almost always better to be too close than to be too far away, so move in closer and keep up with the action.

Happy shooting!

Framing Images

By Nathaniel Muhammad

Framing Images:

Make sure you hold your camera level so that the horizontal is level - unless you have a special effect in mind. In that case tilt the horizon strongly and obviously.

Happy shooting!

Zoom Settings: Keep Your Zoom Lenses Clean

By Nathaniel Muhammad

The lenses of modern compact cameras are very small, so the slightest smudge can have a significant effect on the quality of the image projected by the lens. So please be very aware to keep your lenses clean.

Happy shooting!